Choose Your Device

Select a device below to learn how to connect to Parables TV.

Apple TV

Steps to Bookmarking Parables.TV on an iPhone:

The best way to watch Parables on an iphone is by watching it from our web site. We will show you the steps to create a Home screen Bookmark which is a one - touch icon that will look like an app on your device and is very simple to use. We are currently upgrading our app and will update our customers once the app is ready.

Please follow the steps bellow to add a Home Screen Bookmark

  1. Go to your web browser and type in
  2. Then touch the Action Button
  3. On the popup menu, touch the "Add to Home Screen" option
  4. See the name Parables TV is added and touch the Add button.
  5. You are done.

You can touch this icon to take you straight to your Parables channel and begin watching the Live Stream channel or On Demand library of content wherever you want.

Steps to Bookmarking Parables.TV on an Android device:

  1. Go to your web browser and type in Parables.TV
  2. Touch the Icon to the right of your browser. (It looks like a banner with a star in the middle.)
  3. Go to Add Bookmark and press add (+) icon.
  4. Under Title type in Parables.TV and Press Save.
  5. A Parables screen will pop up under Bookmarks.
  6. Press and hold the Parables screen until a menu pops up.
  7. Press Add Shortcut to Home.
  8. Now press your Home button.

You will now see an orange banner with a Star labeled Parables.TV on your home screen. You can click on this icon to take you straight to your Parables channel and begin watching the Live Stream channel or On Demand library of content.

Watch Parables on an iPad

  1. Go to your web browser and type in
  2. Then touch the Action Button
  3. On the popup menu, touch the "Add to Home Screen" option
  4. See the name Parables TV is added and touch the Add button
  5. You are done.

You can touch this icon to take you straight to your Parables channel and begin watching the Live Stream channel or On Demand library of content wherever you want.

Watch Parables on Apple TV

With your Parables TV subscription, you can watch on your television with Apple TV. Here's how:

  1. Turn on Apple TV and open the Parables TV Bookmark on your iPhone or iPad or simply go to using Safari (web-browser) then Sign in to your Parables account (you must be a paid subscriber)
  2. Select to watch on demand or live stream
  3. Click the play button and tap on the video stream to display the status bar
  4. Tap on the small square box with the triangle and select Apple TV
  5. Now you will be able to see Parables on your TV

Watch Parables on Roku

Parables TV with On Demand

Parables TV has launched an updated Roku channel that contains the new On Demand content in addition to the Parables LiveStream. If you already have the Parables TV channel on your Roku, it will update automatically.

Follow these five easy steps to add the Parables TV channel to your Roku!

Step 1: On your Roku device, go to "Search" and search for Parables TV. Select it and press the "Add Channel" button to add the channel to your Roku. The Parables TV channel will now be accessible from your Roku home screen.

Step 2: Once the channel has been added, press the "Go to Channel" button to open Parables TV.

Step 3 :When the channel loads a "Watch Parables TV" message will appear, press the "OK" button on your Roku remote. The Parables TV channel will then display a code. You will need to use a computer for the next step.

Step 4: In an Internet browser, log in to your Parables TV account and then go to, and enter the given code. Press the green Submit button to attach your Parables TV account to your Roku.

Step 5: After you enter the code online, go back to the Roku screen on your television. The screen should refresh and will prompt you to begin watching our stream. Press the "OK" button on your Roku remote and start watching Parables!

Need help hooking up Roku to your television? Click here for instructions.