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We've been watching Parable movies from a local channel most Saturdays. But, now, with a subscription to Parables.TV our viewing vistas have expanded greatly. No more questions of "what to watch"? or "have…
Thank you SO MUCH for this channel..IT is life giving to me! Praise the Lord!!!!
The picture quality on your Roku channel is so much better plus access to On Demand! What's not to love about this new Roku channel! :-)
Hi Just signed up with parables tv, and I love it.
Matthew Kannenberg
Jackson, WI
So excited to have a Christian movie channel for my family and I. I just bought myself an early Christmas present!
Kelly Siebel
Wichita, KS
I've enjoyed Parables movies before but just watched Saving God and can't say enough good about it. I was so moved! Sometimes Christian movies just preach to the choir but anyone would have been moved…
Well after talking about it for so long we finally did it. We got a Roku and switched from Netflix to Parables TV. It's funny how when nothing but positive things come from the TV, how my attitude changes…
You guys have done a great job with the new on demand Roku channel. In no time you guys will be the Christian Netflix!
I am happy to be a subscriber of such awesome, anointed, and informative programming for believers in the End Times. One movie the network played entitled Final Warning, on 11/7/14, was used in one of…
Elwood Harris, Jr.
Pastor - Kingdom Restoration Ministries - Randallstown, MD
I wish to let you all know how I have been blessed since becoming an subscriber to Parables TV. I live in the UK and we do have a variety of Christian based channels available on air but many of these…
I have no question, however, I did want to say that it is so refreshing to watch heartfelt movies that aren't filled with swearing. I truly love the Parables TV and I'm glad I came across this channel.…