My Gospel Music takes the Southern Gospel Music Celebration to a new level with In-depth Interviews and features with the greatest names in Southern Gospel.
Experience the Lord in new and deeper ways as you journey through the Holy Land with your host, Curt Landry in the amazing 12-part series?Illuminations.
The Show's intention is to challenge the perpectives of a conforming world. Abigail, Elizabeth, and Will discuss the various topics of todays culture. Join us as...
The Jennifer Sheehan Show
The Jennifer Sheehan TV Show is real people with real stories of redemption, miracles and overcoming. Our brave guests pour out their hearts to inspire, encourage...
Walk On Water
Siyaya: Come Wild with Us
Nestled between a mountain range and the coast, lies an enchanted rainforest through which crystal clear rivers flow - much of this...
Siyaya: Wildest Cape
Wildest Cape where youth from various parts of the Western Cape travel to Goukamma, Robberg, Cederberg, Bird Island, Lambert's Bay, Hottentots Holland and De Hoop nature...
Christmas Through The Years with Erica Lane
Erica Lane takes us through several years of her beautiful Christmas performances
The Kings Messengers
Anwaar and David must learn to overcome their differences and work together to outsmart the dangerous Resistance Army.
Uplifting People
"Uplifting People" features extraordinary people that have lived uplifting lives that inspire others.
JENI Seeking The Extraordinary
Jeni and her co-host, Sarah Woesch, traveling from Michigan to Florida, where they sample great food, visit well known sites, and...
iTeen TV
Real with Diego Mesa
7th Street Theater
A dramatic series about five Christian actors who perform a weekly stage show with the purpose of providing entertainment with a Christian message.
Truth Matters
Lets Talk because Truth Matters, Ratio Christi Apologetics Alliance
Rock Bottom and Back Special
Follow along the personal journey of David Bottner and Billy Rivers in this Special, as they make their way back from rock bottom, and use...
Burdens to Blessings
An 8-week video study to accompany Kim?s signature book, Burdens to Blessings.
New medical and scientific studies are now answering the question: Is there really power in prayer?
Mysteries of the Ancient World
This 4-part series presents exciting new evidence about the mysteries of where we came from, why we are here and where we are going.
Portrait of Courage: The Untold Story of Flight 93
A story of faith, courage, sacrifice and love on September 11, 2001 on Flight 93.
Miracles Around Us
Miracles Around Us explores mysterious and miraculous yet factual events that science, technology nor exhaustive research and investigations can’t explain.
Uncovering the Truth About Jesus
Historians, scholars, and scientists examine the Man and His claims to include the Messianic prophecies, the virgin birth, miracles, teachings, and His death and resurrection.
This film chronicles the surprising rise of basketball player Jeremy Lin.
Biblical Collector’s Series
Biblical mysteries are examined in this series that asks: What is the truth?
What The Bible Code Predicts
Learn how the Bible Code is being read and interpreted and how modern day events were foretold 3000 years ago in the Old Testament.
Week that Changed the World
This documentary takes viewers step by step through the events of Holy Week.
The Evidence for Heaven
This documentary interviews some of the people who have experienced near death experiences.
The Fabric of Time
Did Christ leave us physical evidence that only now, with quantum leaps forward in science, are we able to understand?
The Quest for Noah’s Ark
Find out the latest information concerning this great archaeological find high atop a mountain in Eastern Turkey.
This series shows how the love and power of Godhas caused miraculous transformation in the lives of people from all walks of life.
Life Focus
Life Focus portrays how everyday people use their faith and courage to solve personal problems, help others and strengthen their community.
The Truth Exposed
Four Protestant Ministers search for the truth.
Bible Code 1: Secrets of the Bible Code Revealed
This program scientifically examines the incredible discovery that the Bible contains a secret code in the Torah and the Old Testament.
Twelve Ordinary Men
This documentary examines the twelve, hand-picked men who were chosen to follow Him, learn from Him, and continue spreading His gospel after the crucifixion.
Bible Code 2: The Future and Beyond
Examine how the code is being used as a predictive tool in finding the Ark of the Covenant, oil in Israel, and gathering military intelligence
After a car wreck, Blake Goodman finds his life turned upside down. Now he?s trying to figure out how his new faith impacts his life.
Myra Glenson, formerly homeless, is recovering from a devastating divorce.
Love Always
A troubled woman encounters a mysterious gardener and discovers her Heavenly Father.
Daily Bread
Seven millennial women with cookbooks, guns, and the desire to rebuild civilization, fight to survive without losing their humanity in a world gone dark.
Young Disciple: The Series
Follow the transformation of a group of young men as they transition from being gangstas to becoming disciples of Jesus Christ.
Week that Changed the World
This documentary takes viewers step by step through the events of Holy Week.
The Stranger Series
From the creators of The Perfect Stranger and Another Perfect Stranger comes a 7-episode mini-series that continues the stories of a modern-day Jesus walking amongst us.
Believers Among Us
Each episode reveals how everyday people reach out to let our faith guide us through troubled times.
Awesome Bible Adventures
Hosted by Julie, a fun, high-energy teenager who loves God, shares important and exciting Bible stories of faith and action your children will love!
Angels In Disguise
Explore the possibilities that ordinary people have encountered Angels in times of need or peril with these firsthand accounts of true stories of Angel encounters.
The hilarious adventures of a suburban family gone rural in search of a more sustainable lifestyle as Dad tries his hand at raising backyard chickens.
Faith on Film
BTS: A High School Story
Follow Kingdom Sight Studios (Nathan Blair- Owner/Writer/Director and Mike Flack- VP/Director of Sound and Score) as they make their third feature film.
Recovery Strategies 4 Life
Armed with one prosthetic and 45 Biblical strategies, these ladies empower their audience to receive healing through the Lord's love.
Searching for a King
Go back in time and sift through layers of history as Jeremy Dehut and Barry Britnell search for evidence of Israel’s first kings.
Being Martelli
A half hour reality series about John Martelli and his family running their quilting innovation business.
Laws Of Life Court TV
This program, the only one of its kind allows believers to come before the Man of God according to 1 Corinthians 6:1-3 and present their conflict.
The National Bible Bee Game Show
A fun, family discipleship program for all ages! Multiple levels of participation including a National competition track awarding $270K in cash prizes.
This film chronicles the surprising rise of basketball player Jeremy Lin.
Parent Compass
An award-winning series featuring real parents telling real stories with real issues discovering real solutions in Christ.
Joni And Friends
This program highlights a refreshingly honest approach to people’s toughest questions about the goodness of God in a world shattered by pain and suffering.
This series shows how the love and power of Godhas caused miraculous transformation in the lives of people from all walks of life.
The Way of The Master
Watch and learn how to share your faith simply, effectively and biblically?the way Jesus did.
Quote of the day
Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is.