This talk show provides a unique viewing opportunity similar in format to nationally-known television talk shows with content that is created and designed with a Christian stand on Biblical principles. The episodes cover topics and issues that adults face in their daily lives.
Dale Smith shares her insights on how powerful our words are and being aware of what is coming out of your mouth.
The panel discuss how adults can miss their blessings because they don’t know how to ask.
The panel discusses how to recognize the sin in your life.
The panel discusses what’s happened to family time and what has taken over as a priority.
The panel discusses how cell phones have taken over.
The panel discusses how to live in the moment.
The panel discusses things people take for granted.
The panel discusses how we’ve allowed our smartphones to take over our lives allowing us to become lazy.
The panel discuss how words are vessels of power.
The panel asks, does social media take expose you to more than it should? Learn to ignore things that are not building you up.
The panel discusses divorce and share some of their stories.
The panel discusses how we just through the word “love” around. Have we lost God’s intended meaning of the word?
The panel talk about how fear can hold you back from God’s promises.
The panel discusses true friendships versus acquantainces.