
Discover Holy Places

2017 TV-PG

Documentary Film Series centered on Archeology, History, Discovery, Culture, Education and Travel.

1. Abbey of The Dormition Part 1

A place of the past that has made the current history of Christianity: The Abbey of the Dormition. This abbey is actually a monastery of Benedictine monks high on Mount Zion.

2. Abbey of The Dormition Part 2

A place of the past that has made the current history of Christianity: The Abbey of the Dormition. This abbey is actually a monastery of Benedictine monks high on Mount Zion.

3. Ashdod Citadel

Visit Ashdod, Israel?s sixth largest city and largest port. The modern city of Ashdod was established in 1956 and became a city in 1968. When you are in Ashdod, of course you want to enjoy its beaches ? The coast is sublime! But we decided otherwise.

4. Bascilica of Jesus The Adolescent

In Nazareth, the visit a very special church: the Basilica of Jesus the Adolescent also called the Salesian Church. Holy Places has already showed you Nazareth, with its churches, its source, and its monasteries.

5. Bascilica of The Annunciation

Welcome in Nazareth, to visit the Basilica of the Annunciation?You will learn everything about this place. The actual Basilica is the work of architect G. Muzio and was inaugurated in March 1969. On the facade bas-relief representing the Annunciation and horizontal friezes have biblical texts and liturgies evoking the mystery. It is situated not far from the Sisters of Nazareth Convent?

6. Beit She’an National Park

Welcome to Beit She?an, one of the oldest cities of the Middle East. This city is proud of its rich historical past, and the most important stage of its development was the Roman period. Beit She?an played an important role due to its geographical location, at the junction of the Jordan River Valley and the Jezreel Valley.

7. Beit She’arim

Beit Shearim was a Greek and Roman city, it is also a famous archaeological site, because of its remarkable necropolis, where a series of catacombs were searched in the side of the hill. We also find artificial tunnels and caves.

8. Benedictine Monastery in Abu Gosh

Located near Jerusalem, in the village of Abu Gosh, this Benedictine monastery is one of the most beautiful remains of the Crusaders and one of the best preserved in Israel. It is a Gothic church built by the Hospitallers in 1140. In 1889, the French government acquires this magnificent monastery and the place under supervision of the French Benedictine Fathers

9. Bethphage Part 1

Bethphage is the starting point for Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday memorial day. The village of Bethpage is located between Bethany and the Mount of Olives in the holy city of Jerusalem. Bethpage is marked by the Bethpage Church which contains a stone traditionally identified as that used by Jesus to ride the donkey at the beginning of his procession in Jerusalem

10. Bethphage Part 2

Bethphage is the starting point for Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday memorial day. The village of Bethpage is located between Bethany and the Mount of Olives in the holy city of Jerusalem. Bethpage is marked by the Bethpage Church which contains a stone traditionally identified as that used by Jesus to ride the donkey at the beginning of his procession in Jerusalem

11. Caesarea

Caesarea is an amazing place, it is a national park where you can find ruins of the ancient Roman port, beautiful beaches and stunning other historical squares

12. Christ Anglican Church

Also known as the Jesus Church or the Savior Church. In 1861, British sailors visited in Nazareth. After not locating any church suitable for them, they have approached the leader of the Anglican Church in England and asked him to build a church…

13. Church of Saint Andrew in Akko

We takes you on another journey to the city of Acre, a city with a rich and compelling history. On this visit, we will explore the Church of St. Andrew, located in the old town. Now known as Akko, this centuries old city has seen the rise and fall of many civilizations…

14. Church of Saint Anne and Pool of Bethesda

This place is the house of Anne and Joachim, Mary?s parents, and behind the church are the remains of ancient pools, a Roman temple and churches. The pool of Bethesda is an archaeologic site described as the place of healing. The two present pools lead us to suppose that, already in early times, water reservoirs existed in this valley. The water was led to the Temple in an open-air canal?

15. Church of Saint John The Baptist

A walk in the charming village of Ein Kerem, located on the western slopes of Jerusalem, to discover the Saint John the Baptist Church, also known as Saint John the Baptist Ba?Harim: which means ?Saint John the Baptist in the mountains? in Hebrew…

16. Church of Saint Lazarus

Several lands were acquired by the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land, including this land in 1863 near the tomb of Lazarus. Then it was between 1952 and 1955 on the ancient ruins of several ancient churches that a modern church dedicated to Saint-Lazare was built. Indeed we have near the church the tomb of Lazarus.

17. Church of the Flagellation and the Condamnation

The Christian tradition of the Passion of Christ, and relates today, two specific moments: ? the flagellation,? and the condemnation to death. Even if there is controversy about the real places of the condemnation, the site remains sacred and revered by Christians as a station along the Via Dolorosa.

18. Church of The Multiplication

Tabgha, the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and the Fishes, is located on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, west of Capernaum and south of The Church of the Beatitudes. This location associated with the story of Jesus feeding 5,000 people with only five loaves and two fish (Mark 6:30-44)?

Coming Soon!
19. Church of The Nativity

The Church of The Nativity is situated in Betlehem to the south of Jerusalem.In 327 the church of Nativity was commissioned by Constantine the Great and his mother Helena over the site that was traditionally considered to be located over the cave that marks the birthplace of Jesus?

20. Church of The Primacy of Saint Peter

In the north of Israel, in Tabgha, on the shore of Lake Kineret, southwest of the Church of Beatitude, is the church of the Primacy of St. Peter. It is a rather modest-sized church of Franciscan chapel style which in its interior incorporates part of an ancient church of the fourth century. This building commemorates the reinstatement of Peter after a fish lunch on the shore?

21. Church of The Visitation

Tradition attributes the Church of the Visitation to Helen, Emperor Constantine?s mother, who would have identified the site of the house of Zachary, Elizabeth?s husband. The Crusaders of the Kingdom of Jerusalem built a two-storey church. After the departure of the Crusaders, the Church fell into ruin and it was in 1679 that the Franciscans obtained permission to redeem the ruins. There, they built the church and a small monastery flanked by a tower.Today this Church of the Visitation belongs to the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land?

22. Coptic Church of The Annunciation

In Nazareth, a Coptic church, dedicated to the Annunciation, not to be confused with the Catholic church of the same name

23. Der Ark of The Covenant Der Eliezer

Our Lady of the Ark of the Covenant Church; a church located in the northwest side of Abu-Gosh village on a 756 meters high hill. This is the highest point of the village, facing the impressive landscape of Jerusalem?s Hills….

24. Dominus Flevit Church

The Church of Dominus Flevit. Accompanied triumphantly by his disciples in the midst of a Messianic ascent, the Lord wept, in Latin: Dominus Flevit. Going down the Mount of olives…

25. Ecce Homo

Here we are, this is Ecce Homo, in the heart of the historic Old City of Jerusalem, on the famous Via Dolorosa. Visit the basilic, and also the Convent of the Sister of Notre Dame de Sion and the Community of Chemin Neuf.

26. Ein Karem Part 1

Seven kilometers from Jerusalem, the little town of Ein Kerem recalls the homeland of John the Baptist. From evangelical facts, Ein Kerem was part of the Roman administrative district called “District of the Mount” This is inhabited Mary’s cousin, Elizabeth and Zechariah, John the Baptist’s parents.

27. Ein Karem Part 2

Seven kilometers from Jerusalem, the little town of Ein Kerem recalls the homeland of John the Baptist. From evangelical facts, Ein Kerem was part of the Roman administrative district called “District of the Mount” This is inhabited Mary’s cousin, Elizabeth and Zechariah, John the Baptist’s parents.

28. El Jazzar The White Mosque in Akko

And here it is, the Al Jazzar Mosque, with its splendid minaret of stones that stands in the sky and seems to speak to the clouds. It bears the name of its founder, Ahmed El Jazzar who built the most beautiful buildings in the city and is buried in the courtyard of the mosque. El Jazzar Mosque is the second largest Mosque in Israel after the Al Aqsa Mosque. We are in Akko, first port of the Eastern Mediterranean and advanced post of Western Christendom during the 12th century?

29. Emmaus Nicopolis Monastery

The village of Emmaus is well known for having been the place of one of the most moving appearances of Christ after his resurrection. Indeed, two disciples of Jesus are abbot by his death, they begin a march from Jerusalem to Emmaus. They meet a stranger who takes care of their concerns, can give them a writing lesson that makes their heart burner.

30. Gethsemane

At the foot of the Mount of Olives, in a place called Gethsemane; visit the Church of All Nations. The Mount of Olives, which rises to the east of Jerusalem, separates the Holy City from the desert of Judea…

31. Gorny Monastery

A tour of the Orthodox Monastery of Ein Kerem: The Gorny Monastery and its churches. Ein Kerem is an ancient village near Jerusalem, yet far enough from the hustle and bustle of the capital city to preserve a sense of peace. Its name means ?Spring of the Vineyard?….

32. Greek Orthodox Church of The Annunciation

This sacred site, also called the Church of St. Gabriel or Mary?s Well Church, marks the place where according to the Orthodox community; Gabriel announced to Mary the imminent birth of the Son of God.

33. Hippos Susita

Susita, or Hippos, the horse city in the majestic Golan Heights. A few minutes? drive from the Sea of Galilee hides an old city that flourished through Hellenic and Roman times

34. Holy Week Part 1

Holy Week is the week before Easter, beginning with Palm Sunday and ending on Holy Saturday, which is the day before Easter Sunday. Observed with special solemnity as a time of devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ, it is called the Great Week in the Greek and Roman liturgical books, because great deeds were done by God during this week. However, Easter celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his Crucifixion.

35. Holy Week Part 2

Holy Week is the week before Easter, beginning with Palm Sunday and ending on Holy Saturday, which is the day before Easter Sunday. Observed with special solemnity as a time of devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ, it is called the Great Week in the Greek and Roman liturgical books, because great deeds were done by God during this week. However, Easter celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his Crucifixion.

36. Holy Week Part 3

Holy Week is the week before Easter, beginning with Palm Sunday and ending on Holy Saturday, which is the day before Easter Sunday. Observed with special solemnity as a time of devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ, it is called the Great Week in the Greek and Roman liturgical books, because great deeds were done by God during this week. However, Easter celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his Crucifixion.

37. Holy Week Part 4

Holy Week is the week before Easter, beginning with Palm Sunday and ending on Holy Saturday, which is the day before Easter Sunday. Observed with special solemnity as a time of devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ, it is called the Great Week in the Greek and Roman liturgical books, because great deeds were done by God during this week. However, Easter celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his Crucifixion.

38. Kursi and The Miracle of The Swine

Kursi, the site of the ruins of the largest Byzantine monastery in Israel. Kursi is located 500 meters east of the shores of the Sea of

39. Mary’s Tomb Church of The Asumption

Enter the Tomb of the Virgin Mary, located inside the Church of the Assumption at Jehoshaphat, Valley of the Kidron, which separates the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives.The church is cut into the rock and has a form of a cross, with a wide staircase leading down into the church and tomb?

40. Monastery of The Twelve Apostles Capernaum

The Church of the Twelve Apostles is a red-domed Greek Orthodox Church that memorializes Christ?s appointment of His apostles. We are in Capernaum, a fishing village on a well-traveled route (Via Maris) around the Sea of Galilee?

41. Mount and Church of the Beatitudes

It is maintained by the Association to Succour Italian Missionaries. The church standing on the site today was built from 1936-1938. Previously there was monastery and small Byzantine chapel there. The building has eight sides to represent the Beatitudes. Symbolism is incorporated throughout the church in mosaics representing the Virtues?

42. Mount Tabor and Church of The Transfiuration

Climb on Mount Tabor, and visit de Church of the Transfiguration. Located in Lower Galilee, at the edge of Nazareth hills, Mount Tabor rises to a height of 562 meters, and therefore stands out above its surroundings as a rounded dome. Mount Tabor can be seen from miles around demonstrating its strategic importance. According to Christian tradition, Jesus climbed to an unnamed ?high mountain? with three disciples and was glorified before them, while conversing with Moses and Elijah?

43. Church of Saint Peter in Gallicantu Part 1

Still on these historical slopes of Mount Zion, an obligatory passage of any pilgrimage to Jerusalem, we take you to visit a very particular church: The Saint Peter Church in Gallicantu. Three Assumptionist fathers live on the site. Two of them are French, and wil help you to discover their beautiful sancutary.

44. Church of Saint Peter in Gallicantu Part 2

Still on these historical slopes of Mount Zion, an obligatory passage of any pilgrimage to Jerusalem, we take you to visit a very particular church: The Saint Peter Church in Gallicantu. Three Assumptionist fathers live on the site. Two of them are French, and wil help you to discover their beautiful sancutary.

45. Saint Peters Church Jaffa

Visit the Church of St. Peter in Jaffa, called for centuries, the gateway to the Holy Land?According to legend, the city would bear the name of Japheth, the third son of Noah, who built it after the Flood. For other Jaffa or Yafo in Hebrew, would come from the word « Yofi » which means beauty and « Yaffa » name Israeli female, which means beautiful?

46. Church of The Holy Sepulchre Part 1

A tour of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the heart of the holy city of Jerusalem. Located in the Christian quarter of Jerusalem, on a small narrow square, stuck between the houses of the old town, and at the foot of a minaret, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher stands up at the end of Via Dolorosa…

47. Church of The Holy Sepulchre Part 2

A tour of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the heart of the holy city of Jerusalem. Located in the Christian quarter of Jerusalem, on a small narrow square, stuck between the houses of the old town, and at the foot of a minaret, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher stands up at the end of Via Dolorosa…

48. The New Maronite Church of The Annunciation

The Maronite church of the Annunciation is the name given to a Maronite Catholic church in Nazareth. It is dedicated to the Annunciation and should not be confused with the Roman Catholic Church and the Coptic Church in the same city that it?s practically named with the same name. The Maronite Catholic community in Nazareth existed since 1620…

49. Wedding Church in Cana

In the central part of the town of Kafr Kanna , the Wedding Church, also Franciscan Wedding Church, is the name given to a religious building of the Catholic church located, in the Lower Galilee in northern Israel. It is committed to weddings and its name remembers supernatural occurrence of transforming water into wine at the wedding at Cana

50. Via Dolorosa

This is the traditional route Jesus followed carrying his cross from Pilate?s Judgment Hall in the Antonia, to Calvary Hill, or Golgotha, the site of the cruxifixction. Along this route are the ?Fourteen Stations of the Cross?.

51. White Synagogue Capernaum

Visit Capernaum and its White Synagogue. The name of the city was originally Kfar Nahum, which means ?The village of ahum?. The name of the village was translated as Capernaum by the Greeks, and the word is used in the Gospels and by Joseph Flavius in his writings. The White Synagogue is designated by the Christian tradition as the synagogue where Jesus taught at Capernaum?

52. Yardenit Baptismal Site

The Baptismal site of Yardenit, meaning the Little Jordan is located on the banks of the Jordan River. It is the actual site where John the Baptist baptized Jesus. The Sea of Galilee is a popular site for Christians to visit, but there, they can walk the paths Jesus walked and even get baptised in the River? More than just a biblical setting, Yardenit is a peaceful and pastoral place?

Quote of the day

He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”