Experience the Lord in new and deeper ways as you journey through the Holy Land with your host, Curt Landry in the amazing 12-part series?Illuminations.
God offers awakening to His children through unique and meaningful experiences. He faithfully imparts fresh revelation that will bring you into deeper intimacy with Him, ultimately resulting in greater fulfillment throughout your life. Follow the Apostle Peter?s awakening experienced on a rooftop, as well as a modern-day banker who received fresh insight and purpose at the height of his career.
Have you ever had a Jonah experience? Have you ever run away from God or your calling only to find yourself in Nineveh? Learn about the prophet Jonah and hear the testimony of a man who lived a modern-day Jonah experience?how God allowed unfavorable circumstances to happen so that character could be built in his life. Without proper alignment and character you will never fully become all that God has called you to be.
Learn what it means to lead a devoted life, and how God blesses devotion. Follow the examples of biblical Roman centurion who was called by God because of his devotion, as well as a modern-day young woman who boldly, says, ?If you are not devoted it?s hard to accomplish anything in life.? God can use you in powerful ways when you lead a devoted life!
God multiplies our efforts when they are committed to His work. Just as we read of how Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes through the obedience of a young boy in the Galilee 2,000 years ago, likewise we hear from a young man whose life was drastically redirected and multiplied through his obedience to God?s call on his life. God is always faithful to multiply whatever we are willing to give up for His Kingdom!
Witness the beauty of restoration in the life of the Apostle Peter, and also in the lives Curt and Christie Landry. Their family?s personal testimony of restoration gives us every confidence in God?s enduring love for His children throughout the world. Sometimes God changes our course, transforms us, and brings us to a place of restoration and true peace. Believe that God can transform your life!
Journey to the Golan Heights, above the Sea of Galilee, where we explore the Sermon on the Mount and discover the meaning of Jesus? teachings of the Beatitudes. Hear powerful and challenging personal testimonies of how living what Jesus preached changed their lives forever?with signs, wonders and miracles that followed. God wants to bless you and bring you His fullness of peace so that you can experience His highest and best for your life!
Learn about living by faith through investing in the Kingdom of God. Listen to a husband and wife who placed their resources where their mouths were and reaped the benefits of that faith as they spent time in the Holy Land. Witness the power of trusting in God and learn how investing in God?s work keeps our focus on Him and gives us confidence that He will always take care of us!
See the One New Man fully realized through the life of a former Arab terrorist who reconciled with his enemies, the Jewish people, as he became a follower of Jesus Christ. Witness Jew and Gentile coming together and offering repentance and forgiveness as each embrace their destinies as Believers in Christ.
Discover through powerful testimonies how God?s promises are fulfilled?from bringing Jewish people back to the land of Israel, to providing for a third-generation American farmer. When God says it, we can count on Him to keep His Word. If you?ll answer the call to arise and shine when God calls you, the promises that He has planted within you will begin to bring forth an abundant harvest of purpose, health and prosperity!
God embraces both Jew and Gentile; and has always had a plan to create One New Man from the two, thus giving us His perfect peace. Learn something surprising about the twelve spies that Moses sent into the land of Canaan, and hear how a lifelong follower of Christ made some important discoveries about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Stay hungry for God, live a lifestyle of forgiveness, and follow wholeheartedly after God!
Unfold the mysteries of the power of prayer as you discover how to pray effectively for all the saints, as well as for the peace of Jerusalem. Learn how the prayers of men and women of faith have deeply affected the course of humanity, and how praying for those around you can literally save lives. Listen to a former flight attendant as she gives a stunning testimony of the life and death power of prayer!
The Illuminations film crew shares the amazing signs, wonders and miracles that occurred in Israel behind the scenes during the filming and production. Through this 12-episode Illuminations series, we pray that your eyes have been opened to see the beautiful hand of God throughout the Holy Land, as you witnessed His signs, wonders and miracles. We pray that your life has truly been touched and transformed. May the Lord bless you mightily out of Zion!