
Laws Of Life Court TV

2017 TV-G

This program, the only one of its kind allows believers to come before the Man of God according to 1 Corinthians 6:1-3 and present their conflict. After which, the mediator through thorough examination of the parties and scriptural application, arrives at a resolution based upon one or more Laws of Life

1. Teaching on the Laws Of Life PT 1

In this episode, Judge Mose;y teaches on the laws of life.

2. Teaching on the Laws Of Life PT 2

In this episode, Judge Mose;y continues his teaching on the laws of life.

3. Athlete’s Making A Catch That Determines The Outcome Of A Game

Christian athlete pretends he made a catch by trapping the ball. The catch determined the winning points for the championship game. Respondent and his teammates were aware that he did not make the catch. Respondent was later confronted by complainant.

4. Female Pretending To Buy Outfit, Planned To Return

Customer has pre formulated plans to return outfit after having used it for a special event.

5. Employee Taking Advantage Of Breaks At Work

Employee who works a regular 8 hour shift takes numerous long bathroom breaks. Employer has no policy with respect to the number and length of breaks. Employer confronts employee.

6. Too Much Change

Cashier unknowingly gives customer too much change. Cashier realizes the mistake at day’s end. Customer becomes aware at a later time. Cashier who has to reimburse store for shortage confronts customer the next time customer is in the store.

7. Christian Male Has Close Relationship With Adulteress Friend

Complainant and Respondent, both Christians and longtime friends. Complainant gets involved in an adulteress relationship. Complainant has emergency situation as a result of the adultery and calls respondent for help. Respondent refuses. Complainant upset with respondent because he feels betrayed by his close friend and Christian brother.

8. Person Who Has Knowledge Of Something Significant To Another And Fails To Share

Complainant contracts a deadly disease. Respondent is aware of a third party who has this disease and also aware of complainant’s close association with this third party. Respondent fails to warn complainant. Complainant confronts respondent.

9. Employer Paying Employee Less Than Worth

Employee is laid off from former job. Employee learns of position with employer’s company. Employee gets interview with perspective employer who learns of employee’s outstanding credentials and desperation for employment. Employer hires employee at a much lesser salary because of employee’s disadvantage.

10. Individual Stealing Idea, Song, TV Show, Etc. From Another

Complainant shares idea with associate. Associate, unknown to complainant, takes idea, develops it further and makes it a success. Complainant becomes aware and confronts respondent.

11. Restaurant Owner Serving Something Less Than What Advertised

Complainant is a regular customer of Respondent’s restaurant. Based upon respondent’s advertising, complainant was of the opinion that fish featured as Alaskan Salmon is real salmon. Complainant learned later that the fish was not what was advertised.

12. Pastor Brings Complaint Against Former Member (Singer) Who Took Talent To The World

Respondent grew up in the church where Complainant is the pastor. Respondent who now is an accomplished singer leaves the church for a lucrative secular career. Respondent is confronted by the pastor.

13. Professional/Tradesman Charging More Than Service Is Worth

Complainant has very a important business meeting. His car will not start. He calls mechanic and makes mechanic aware of his predicament. Mechanic determines that it is a simple problem. Mechanic charges exorbitant amount.

Quote of the day

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.