Burnnie is a rabbit that tries his best to live his life pleasing to the Lord, but he makes mistakes along the way. Each program focuses on a specific Christian concept, which children are encouraged to develop in their lives.
Join Burnnie and learn the magic trick, God Will Get You Through and many other tricks and pranks.
Burnnie is on a mission to look good thinking everyone will treat him better if he’s all fancied up.
Burnnie the bunny tries his hand at babysitting… five boys!
Burnnie takes the day off to get ready for his camping trip.
Burnnie learns a valuable lesson that practice makes perfect.
Burnnie decides he wants to open a lemonade stand.
Burnnie’s rough morning causes him to have a crabby day.
Burnnie tries his hand at writing a book, “The Adventures of Burnnie”.
Burnnie learns the meaning of Christmas and the spirit of giving.
Burnnie is unprepared for his radio show and things start to get crazy!
Burnnie learns that having a pet is a huge responsibility.
Burnnie interviews friends for his new newspaper.
Burrnnie learns the lesson that If he borrows something from someone else to make sure and take good care of it.
Burnnie learns the valuable lesson, thou shall not steal.
Burnnie bakes some special treats for his banquet.
Burnnie is down on his luck as he can’t seem to win at anything.
Burnnie learns the hard way that eating junk food can make you feel sick.
Burnnie learns a valuable lesson, that God made everyone special and does things their own way.
Burnnie throws himself a Birthday party and learns some valuable lessons on the way.
Burnnie meets his new neighbor and doesn’t make a very good first impression.
Burnnie learns not to be boastful after he buys himself a trophy to show everyone he’s the best.
Burnnie goes to the festival of cultures and learns that God loves everyone.
After reading The Book of Insults, Burnnie learns how words can hurt.
Burnnie wants what everyone else has and learns the valuable lesson of being grateful.
Burnnie learns a lesson in sharing and letting his light shine.
Burnnie learns a lesson from Ephesians 4:28; be truthful.
Burnnie’s been showing off all day and gets a hard lesson on being humble.
Burnnie tries his best to live his life pleasing to the Lord, making mistakes along the way. Each program focuses on a specific Christian concept.
Burnnie tries his best to live his life pleasing to the Lord, making mistakes along the way. Each program focuses on a specific Christian concept.
Burnnie’s learns to be happy with what he has as he gets a lesson in being better not bitter.
Burnnie tries his best to live his life pleasing to the Lord, making mistakes along the way. Each program focuses on a specific Christian concept.
Burnnie’s learns that the Bible teaches us to do our best.
Burnnie gets a lesson from Colossians 3:9 learning that stretching the truth is like telling a lie.
Burnnie tries his best to live his life pleasing to the Lord, making mistakes along the way. Each program focuses on a specific Christian concept.
Burnnie learns how to be a good steward over his money.
Burnnie goes to a garage sale and finds some gold coins.
Burnnie is full of excuses as everyone in town prepares for Christmas and Operation Christmas Child.
Burnnie gets a lesson in being selfless and learns sharing can be fun.