Park Grove Community Church has lost its pastor and is closing its doors, unless it reinvents itself, despite itself… with the help of Chuck. A spinoff of the popular series ?Chuck Knows Church?. THE COMMITTEE is a humorous and poignant series that examines the struggles congregation?s face as they look toward a preferred future. A new “The Committee” episode is released each month. In-between enjoy The SUB-Committee shorts or the original series. Use each episode in fellowship groups, worship teams, small groups and late-night snack viewing!
A new series from the producers of Chuck Knows Church. Park Grove Community Church has lost its pastor and is closing its doors, unless it reinvents itself, despite itself…with the help of Chuck.
The committee members struggle with understanding the true meaning of hospitality. Does your church have a heart for hospitality?
Does your church membership look like the surrounding community? If not, why not?
Does your church understand its purpose in the community? Does it understand why it exists? Chuck helps the members of Park Grove Community Church to understand their “why”.
What’s your church’s relationship with the “E-Word”? Do people run when they hear it? Chuck helps the members of Park Grove Community Church learn how not to be scared of evangelism.
Who lives in the community surrounding your church? Do you know them? What does your church offer them? Chuck uses Dr. Seuss to help Park Grove Community Church understand the who around them.
How does your congregation intentionally make disciples? Do you have a system in place? Chuck acts as the referee with the committee as they struggle to understand what a discipleship system is at Park Grove.
Churches that innovate tend to thrive. But how does this work? See Chuck and The Committee deal with the lights going out in the church while understanding the meaning of innovation. Is your congregation innovative?
Small Groups in any size congregation tend to create deeper relationships and a stronger commitment to the Christian faith. In this episode, Chuck decides to help Park Grove Community Church become healthier by inviting the committee to discuss the importance of small groups.
Is your congregation offering children an experience that will surround them with a community of love? Chuck and “The Committee” ask these important questions and laugh and learn along the way.
Does your congregation think stewardship is merely an annual campaign? Chuck and the committee struggle with Mr. Riley to understand the full meaning of Stewardship.
Does your congregation have committees that have forgotten their purpose? Are they stuck and rarely accomplish anything? Watch this episode of THE COMMITTEE for some hints. Chuck may be feeling what you have felt at one time or another.
It’s Christmastime at THE COMMITTEE! Older adults in power know the gospel is about, in part, denying yourself and giving yourself to Christ. And those in power must be willing to share power based on that gospel message. Watch this episode of THE COMMITTEE for some hints how older and younger adults can work together to build up the body of Christ.
As the committee members play the Jenga Game, they discuss that older leaders have to make mental and physical space for younger leaders. And Chuck calls them to action! Watch this episode of THE COMMITTEE for some hints how your church can thrive rather than just survive. Hint: it has something to do with Christ.
The second to last episode of the popular series, “The Committee”. Where is your church in its lifecycle? Where do you see signs of rebirth? What is your big idea?
The final episode of “The Committee” webseries.