1 hr 30 min
On an otherwise ordinary day, the life of prominent businessman John A. Money is thrown into chaos when a quirky donut-eating Angel of Death appears in a puff of smoke and announces that he’s come to take John to the pearly gates. John spends his “final” hours trying to figure out what life is all about … and that’s the problem with Money.
Duane Deering, Elizabeth McWhorter, J. Howard King, Kathryn Boswell, Leon McWhorter
Not Rated
Angels Love Donuts
Dove "Faith-Friendly" - Suitable for any age.

This is a fine story with humor which illustrates a spiritual truth which is that everyone dies and the all-important question for most is, "Am I ready for the after-life"? A character named Money who happens to be a businessman learns from the Grim Reaper that his time on earth is almost over. He reflects on his past life and the time spent with his wife and daughters and he doesn't like what he sees. Money begins to search for answers, and his daughters and a man who suddenly enters his life point him toward Jesus. Will he take the plunge and become a Christian or no? You will have to watch the DVD to find out, but this is a wonderful family and faith-based DVD which focuses on what we sometimes think is important and what is really of lasting or eternal value. Although various discussions take place regarding religion and various ideas, the focus winds up being on Christ. This DVD is awarded our Dove Seal for all ages but with the urging that parents watch it with young children and also with the knowledge it will be slow moving and a bit mature for very young children. We are happy to award this DVD our Dove Seal.
Sex: Joking comments about having an affair in order to get husband's attention.
Language: H (as a place)-2; Name calling such as idiot, moron, doofus
Violence: None
Drugs: None
Nudity: None
Other: Man is rude and obnoxious to others; man becomes saved through Jesus Christ; the subject of taking a look at one's life. -
- Reviewer: Donna Rolfe
- Source: Video
- Writer: W.L. McWhorter, Jr., Alan C. Elliott
- Director: Ralph E. Portillo
- Producer: Ralph E. Portillo, Jamie Elliott; Brad Wilson
- Review provided courtesy of The Dove Foundation.