1 hr 30 min
Church politics turn deadly… ..after a new pastor and his wife challenge a sweet widow-woman’s control of the small country church to which they have just been called. A suspense thriller set in the world of small town church politics, Dangerous Calling follows the story of Pastor Evan Burke and his wife Nora as they assume leadership of First Baptist Willit Springs after the mysterious death of the previous pastor. Eager to get to know the new pastor, Miss Pat, the church’s controlling widow-woman, invites Evan and Nora to stay with her while she has the parsonage renovated. Left alone at Miss Pat’s beautiful home in the mountains of North Georgia, Nora begins to suspect that Miss Pat’s extremely sheltered adult son, Elijah, may have had something to do with the previous pastor’s death. Drawing upon their experience as preacher’s kids, the Daws Brothers deliver an insider look into the sometimes frightening aspects of church politics. Although the story involves Christian characters, this is not your typical church film. Dangerous Calling is sure to keep you on the edge of the pew.
Carrie L. Walrond, Jackie Prucha, Stephen Caudill
Dangerous Calling
Dove "Family-Approved" - Recommended for ages 12 and over.

This movie makes its point by exaggeration. It focuses on church problems, such as people gossiping, being concerned they don't lose their seat in the pew, criticism of the pastor, people singing who are not gifted in that area, etc. It actually has a woman in the story who kidnaps the pastor's wife and attempts to kill her because God told her to! This part should be noted. However, although it is suspenseful, it also has obvious exaggerations in the film in order to make its points. If the points are well considered by the viewer, then this DVD has accomplished its task. The viewer who enjoys suspense and humor (such as a young girl telling the pastor his sermon was boring) will be entertained as well. We therefore award our Dove "Family-Approved" Seal to this DVD for ages twelve plus, due to its mature themes.
Sex: Kissing between the pastor and his wife.
Language: None
Violence: A character places bag on another character's head to take his life; a character puts snake in woman's laundry and it bites her but she is not seriously hurt; woman says God told her to kill pastor's wife; woman's hair pulled; woman kills youth pastor with fire poker; character hit by a stick; man is shot; woman hit in face by fan.
Drugs: None
Nudity: Woman wears shorts and a tank top which is not revealing.
Other: Character buries dead chickens; at a potluck for the pastor and his wife they wind up not getting any food; a man scares pastor's wife by walking up behind her; an overbearing woman gives the pastor her tithes to make sure he knows she is a big giver; a woman yells at the pastor's wife; a character who was killed is secretly buried. -
- Reviewer: Edwin L. Carpenter
- Source: Video
- Writer: Josh Daws, Jeremiah Daws
- Director: Josh Daws, Jeremiah Daws
- Producer: Daws Brothers Studios, Life is My Movie Entertainment
- Review provided courtesy of The Dove Foundation.