1 hr 38 min
Supernatural forced collide when madness meets magic in モDivinationヤ. Jason (Dメangelo Midili) is a young, successful artist married to the lovely Jessica (Natasha Sims). Theyメre filled with joy at their first pregnancy and the uncanny return of their mysterious friend Dee (Lisa Coronado). But Jason is tormented by Fear (Tucker Boggio) continually whispering nightmares and horrific visions into his mind. As he descends deeper into madness an intervention is made by the powerful angel Joshua (Philipp Aurand), and his eager assistant Daniel (James Grixoni). モDivinationヤ is pure spiritual warfare, a thriller like no other. Do not trust every spirit.
Dメangelo Midili, Eric Riedmann, Lisa Coronado, Natasha Sims, Philipp Aurand, Tucker Boggio
No rating information available.
Dove "Faith-Based" - Some content may be objectionable.
This is a story about spiritural warfare and good vs. evil. In this movie, the evil takes the shape of a "spirit guide", a woman who practices the occult and intends to take possession of another woman's baby as she has not been able to have one of her own. We see demons fight angels in this film and the special effects are very impressive. The woman carrying the child has an artist husband named Jason. He sees things in the spirit realm and his wife, Jessica, is concerned he is losing his mind, especially when she learns Jason's father committed suicide. However, Jason realizes later on that it is a spiritual contest and the stakes include his home and his child. While there is a lot of fighting between angels and demons, the martial arts style is much less graphic than commonly seen on television these days. Their are some scary images in the film but these are integral parts of the story. The viewer should be aware that the filmmakers do show some very detailed (fictional) occultic practices. It is for this reason that we are awarding this well made film our Dove "Faith-Based" Seal with a caution for the Occult.
Sex: Husband and wife kiss several times and talk about making a child.
Language: G/OMG-9; BS-1; D-4; A-1; Sucks-1; S-1; H-11; Geez-1; B-2; Got To H (Angel says to demon)-1; H (as a place)-1
Violence: Several fights and sword fights with angels cutting demons and flashes of CGI blood spurting; body parts of spiritual beings cut off; woman does blood ritual and cuts self with knife; stabbings with knives; bloody hand; character hit by car in man's dream; man puts gun in mouth and then shot is heard; in spirit realm a face is whacked and then falls from body.
Drugs: Wine a couple of times.
Nudity: Cleavage.
Other: Very scary images of fierce looking demons with sharp teeth and angry evil faces; woman casts spells and practices the occult and gives occult book to friend; tarot cards seen on table; other woman practices an occult ritual; blood put on book; talk of divination; spirits including fear but heavenly angels are seen as well; man has nightmares.
- Reviewer: Edwin L. Carpenter
- Source: Video
- Writer: Ben Pohl
- Director: Ben Pohl
- Producer: Ben Pohl
- Review provided courtesy of The Dove Foundation.