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End Times: How Close Are We?

The signs are all around us. Can we know what the future holds? When it was written, nearly 30 percent of the Bible‘s content was prophetic. Today, nearly all these prophecies have become recorded history. Only a handful of the Bible‘s predictions remain to be fulfilled. They are predictions of the End Times—and many biblical scholars believe the signs that these prophecies that are all around us are about to come true. At the same time, 21st century technology has given the world‘s scientists new insight into the predicament of our planet…and the results are shocking. Does the Bible give us a roadmap for the future? If so, what signs does it say we should watch for? How many of the ancient prophecies have been fulfilled? And how many still remain? Is it possible to know how close we are to what the Bible refers to as the ―End Times? And is Christ‘s church dangerously unprepared for what is to come? Most importantly, will you be ready when the prophetic clock stops ticking? Prepare yourself for a fascinating look at a topic that permeates God‘s Word and will undoubtedly affect the lives of every person on Earth…perhaps sooner than we think.


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