Figure in the Forest

Their marriage deteriorating after their son is killed by a drunk driver, architect David James (Dean Teaster) and his wife Rita (Mary Jo Cuppone), a noted psychologist, receive an unusual offer that forces them to finally confront their painful loss. Upon venturing into the woods for some quiet reflection, Rita is shocked to find the memory of her son awaiting her amongst the trees. A secluded cabin in the woods and a heavenly visitor help to mend the marriage of a couple who are dealing with the loss of their only child after a fatal car accident with a drunk driver just weeks before his graduation. Figure in the Forest is an inspiring, well-crafted story of hope in the midst of tribulation. Rita (Mary Jo Cuppone) and David (Dean West) are thrown into a horrific situation that seems to happen.


Anthony Hornus, Barton Bund, Belle, Curtis Hall, David Borowicz, Dean Teaster, DJ Perry, Gabrielle Dudley, Jackson Kennedy, Jennifer Bandlow, Juanita Kennedy, Mary Jo Cuppone, Ruth Galligan, Smitty Atwood, Zane Jordan




Not Rated

Figure in the Forest

Dove "Family-Approved" - Suitable for any age.

    • Reviewer: Dick Rolfe
    • Source: Theater
    • Writer: Jeff and Juanita Kennedy
    • Director: Jeff and Juanita Kennedy
    • Producer: DJ Perry
    • Review provided courtesy of The Dove Foundation.Dove Logo