
In an inspiring new film Teddy Grouya takes us on a journey into the world of an Iconic Orthodox Painter who claims to paint not from her own self interest but through the hand of God. Some of the first churches in Eastern Europe were carved out of caves by Saint Lucas and Saint John who evangelized throughout the region during the 2nd century. Iconic images were the equivalent of the Bible for the illiterate, for most people could not read and Saint Lucas was one of the first to paint them. The tradition of icons and the practices of old Christianity started in those caves two thousand years ago; it is kept alive in the Eastern Orthodox Church of today- a church that many in the West do not understand. Titiana Popa, a prolific iconographer, is portrayed in this film about her work. Her goal is to bring “God to America” through her art. We are given a rare look into the Eastern Orthodox Church, as well as some hidden monasteries where Popa’s art is painted and blessed. Set against the backdrop of present day Romania and Popa’s art we hear Byzantine music performed by monks and clergy. We also hear the inspiring high notes from the Constanta Men’s Choir while we learn what exemplifies an icon in art and in people. Teachers, students, historians, church-goers and art lovers will want to add this film to their libraries.


Titiana Popa




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