1 hr 30 min
How do you treat the world… when you are on top of it? How does the world treat you… when you’re not? What sound does the music of a spoiled young rock star make when she is out of tune with everyone around her? Star is the center of her universe when she discovers how small it really is. Paths cross between those climbing up the ladder, those falling off, and those putting the ladder away. The sounds of classical, rock and bluegrass collide as lives intersect and the result is a new sound, a new life, a new beginning. Star discovers that the art to fine tuning her life, is like tuning a violin so that it is in harmony with those around her.
Anastasiya Orlova, Brandon Millett, Cheryl Rhoads, Galen Kane, Jennie Marie O'Keefe, Joseph Logue, Josh Murray, Joshua Blake, Keith Donaldson, Kristine Cornils, Michael Shenefelt, Michelle Vivaldi Tocci, Natalia Rowzee, Scott Clark, Sha'ahn ... Robin, Sloane Morgan Siegel, Victoria Emmons, Virginia Tucker
Comedy, Drama
Life Fine Tuned
Dove "Faith-Friendly" - Suitable for any age.

This is a wonderful story which shows how a snobby star becomes a Christian and is transformed into a giving person who sings for Christ. Star is a big star, every little girl's dream. She has made it big and belts out songs in live concerts. However, she is snooty. She yells at the dancers, telling them they're no good. She expects people in a small town to know who she is and she expects a local church to stop everything to help her when her truck crashes into a river. However, a Christian family who is kind to her influences her life. Following her accident she can't walk or sing for a while but prayer restores her and she becomes a totally new person. We are thrilled to recommend this movie for all ages although very young children might not enjoy it as much as those eight years old and up. We are pleased to award our Dove Seal to this film. This movie inspires the viewer to believe that life truly can be fine-tuned by God!
Sex: None
Language: Crap-1
Violence: Boys have a tomato fight but no one is injured.
Drugs: A character takes what appears to be pain relievers a few times; a moonshiner talks about his product; a character buys wine but we don't see any drinking.
Nudity: Woman dancer shows cleavage.
Other: Main character is very rude to people and places herself on a pedestal but she later changes; a woman lies to others but changes; a joke about hormones in some foods giving men "man boobs" and women "beards"; a person spies on another's internet history; woman steals a truck and crashes into water but she changes; a character lies to a doctor; betting but not with money; greed is displayed.
- Reviewer: Edwin L. Carpenter
- Source: Video
- Writer: Nina May
- Director: Nina May
- Review provided courtesy of The Dove Foundation.