When Judah is taken by the townspeople as a sacrifical lamb, his new zany barnyard friends from Bethlehem embark on an adventuresome journey to save him the week preceding the crucifixion of, “The King”. Will a lamb’s heroic deed on an altar be enough to save the peope-folk of their sins, once and for all? This daring quest will take you from the Bethlehem stable, into the Roman’s Courts, passed the Great Temple, the hillside of Calvary, and onto the empty tomb, as The Stable-Mates come to the rescue! This epic heart-warming story interwines humor and troublesome situations, while delievering foundational messages with gentleness and breath-taking beauty. For Judah, a lamb with the heart of a lion, it is a story of courage and faith that will lead you to the pivotal voyage of hope, which started 30 years ago in Bethlehem, once upon a stable.