1 hr 15 min
What is post-modernism? How has it affected our culture? How will it impact our future? What is the role of the church in a post-modern world? Does man truly need God or is God merely a fairytale idea left-over from a past cultural experiment? These questions are the launching point for Rebellion of Thought, as filmmakers, The Brothers Williamson, examine a new generation that refuse to accept authority, code and convention. How do believers in Christ express their faith in a compelling, relevant way? Featuring these experts who take a critical look at the role of authentic Christian faith in a post-modern culture: Angus Menuge (Chair of Philosophy - Concordia University), D.A. Carson (Prof. Of New Testament - Trinity Evangelical Divinity School), Jim Spiegel (Professor of Philosophy - Taylor University), Bruce Ellis Benson (Assoc. Prof. Of Philosophy - Wheaton College) and Gene Edward Veith, Jr. (Culture Editor - World Magazine) They don’t just dance around the edges of this mind-splitting phenomenon. They ask the searing, heart-rending yet necessary questions and offer some thoughtful and tangible solutions.
No cast information is available
The Rebellion of Thought: Post-Modernism Church and the Struggle for Authentic Faith
Dove "Family-Approved" - Recommended for ages 12 and over.

This documentary is thought provoking. The brothers Williamson ask some tough questions. Does absolute truth exist? They also probe into why church attendance has declined in many churches and why there is a postmodern approach to religion and a swelling belief system of individual morality. They look at the possibility of the gospel being preached but not practiced. Other authorities speak on the topic, including Bruce Ellis Benson, the Assoc. Professor of Philosophy at Wheaton College. The film has some downer moments as people search for hope, and the music is not upbeat either. There are a few scenes which mention Gay Pride Day and it is done in the light of asking if people choose to believe in the sexuality they practice. But the brothers succeed in their goal of stimulating thoughts and comments on the topic and we award it our Dove Family-Approved Seal for ages twelve and above due to the mature themes.
Sex: Two women kiss briefly as a few scenes of Gay Pride Day are shown as it relates to the topic of God and sexuality.
Language: H-1; B-1; Su*ks-1.
Violence: Some brief scenes of the holocaust and corpses; a small amount of blood is seen at the beginning from a razor cut.
Drugs: Smoking.
Nudity: Bare chested men; man's thigh; mild cleavage.
Other: Different beliefs are expressed including those of reincarnation; mature themes and conversations. -
- Reviewer: Edwin L. Carpenter
- Source: Theater
- Writer: Brad Williamson and Kent C. Williamson
- Director: Kent C. Williamson
- Producer: Brad Williamson and Kent C. Williamson
- Review provided courtesy of The Dove Foundation.