52 min
From a hot one-room schoolhouse in Alabama, a little boy spoke forceful words that shaped his own future. He showed his generation that whatever reality you carry within you, is the reality that you live out. In his generation, Samuel Porter Jones was known as “The Most Famous Man in America.” He reached a million and a half people a day, before radio and television. This controversial, yet charismatic evangelist delivered his message with such colorful wit that even those offended by his uncompromising conviction could not resist being drawn to the Savior. As people today rediscover the life-story of this “fire out of Georgia,” their hearts are ignited with the flame of God’s presence and power that burned so brightly in America during Sam Jones’ ministry. Sam lived his life larger than “church,” and then boarded the train for obscurity and was gone. A legend lost, a hero unsung…
Jenna Lowery-Horn, Ray Hughes
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