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When tragedy pierces the heart of a small community on the quiet Texas plains, its townspeople witness what can happen when grace and forgiveness triumph over anguish and outrage. Against the clamorous traffic of our crowded lives, a story of such tender mercy can seem more of a work of fiction or a wishful tale…yet every moment of this unbelievable story is true.
Bruce W. Smith, Grover Norwood, Jill Norwood, Kerryl Ann Frank, Rev. Clay Spears, Rev. Nathaniel Hall, Rev. Steve Littlefield, Steve Norwood, Ulice Parker, Wayne Vincent
Not Rated
The Heart of Texas
Dove "Family-Approved" - Recommended for ages 12 and over.
This documentary gives the viewer a testimony of faith, compassion and forgiveness. It is a story of one man, Grover Norwood, who is always willing to help everyone and always looking for projects. He encounters a praying man named Ulice Parker and these two men's lives become entangled for the rest of their lives. Their story will bring you to tears of sorrow and joy. The story is truly a testimony of faith that is pushed to the point that no one should endure. But with the faith in God that these two men show, this story will change lives and the way people think when it comes to compassion and forgiveness. This is a fantastic story that should be watched by everyone. "The Heart of Texas" is awarded the Dove "Family-Approved" Seal for 12+ due to the emotional content.
Sex: None
Language: Hell used as a place; God, Lord, Jesus used in reverence.
Violence: Child hit by car but not shown on screen.
Drugs: None
Nudity: None
Other: Discussion of loss of a child, faith and forgiveness, very emotional interviews with family and friends. -
- Reviewer: Donna Rolfe
- Source: Video
- Writer: Dan Patrick
- Director: Mitchell Wright
- Producer: Blake Pilgreen
- Review provided courtesy of The Dove Foundation.