The Sereer

Explore the culture, the lifestyle and the beliefs of the Sereer tribe in Senegal, West Africa.

In this world that was historically steeped in the demonic traditions of voodoo, and today is utterly dominated by modern Islam, few people know the truth of the gospel. Many here have never even heard the name of Jesus.

Senegal is home to 13 million people, and among them the Sereer tribe numbers more than one million. But evangelical Christians here can count on one hand the number of fellow believers they know. Discipleship among those few believers is one of the greatest needs here.

Less than half of Senegal’s population lives in the country’s eight major cities. The rest live in the bush without running water, electricity or other conveniences of developed nations. Life here is difficult, with little opportunity to learn or grow. Most men raise simple crops or herd goats to make a simple living. Yet in this world of extreme poverty, personal relationships are prized above things. Family means much more than simply sharing a name.

Since 2004 the people of Rocky Creek Baptist Church in Greenville, SC have been sending small groups of missionaries to share the truth of the gospel with the people of the Sereer-Palor. They began by investing themselves in the lives of the people; building relationships and becoming like family to them. Today when they arrive, they are greeted with hugs and kisses, something not done in this West African culture.


Alton Lanier, Barbara Lanier, Jeremy Johns, John Hinds, Karen Hinds




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