1 hr 51 min
The Sound of the Spirit is about a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl named Rivka. It tells the story of how she overcomes her grief over the death of her parents to shine with the light of her Messiah before her aunt, uncle, and the traditional Jewish Synagogue they attend. At first, in the face of disappointments and misunderstanding, Rivka withdraws from her commitment to complete her bat mitzvah training at the synagogue. But she eventually learns that her calling, like Esther.
Anna Lasbury, Bob McGuire, Christine Filutze, Courtney Krauter, Craig LaFuse, Faith Yesner, Glenna Reinhardt, Jim Dougherty, Lina Willard, Matt Hodges, R. Anderson White, Rob Deas, Rob Weidenfeld, Russell Dewitt, Stan Solomon
The Sound of the Spirit
Dove "Faith-Friendly" - Recommended for ages 12 and over.

This film makes a great point, that one must listen carefully for the still small voice of God, or the "sound of the Spirit" as one seeks guidance from the Lord. This movie shows what happens when people choose to work through their problems and differences and it is well worth taking the time to watch. Young twelve-year-old Rivka (Anna Lasbury) is a messianic Jew and her father and Uncle Sidney (Rob Weidenfeld) haven't spoken in a long time because Uncle Sidney is Jewish through and through and resents his brother's conversion to Christ. Now Rivka's bat mitzvah is coming up but when tragedy strikes her dad she winds up with Uncle Sidney and Aunt Jackie (Faith Yesner), and Uncle Sidney is determined that she live according to their ways while she is in their home. Things really get stirred up when Rivka and a young Jewish boy named Nicky form a close friendship. Ultimately, Rivka has to decide if she will have her bat mitzvah or not, and how to react when certain members of the synagogue vote against her accompanying the youth group to Israel. As Rivka fasts and prays, she learns that God can handle even the most difficult cases! We are pleased to award this film our Dove Seal. If you have ever had your faith tested, this is the movie for you!
Sex: None
Language: A person in anger mentions a "stupid" anti-missionary.
Violence: Tensions and arguments between various characters relating to a messianic Jew, a girl who reaches out to others but refuses to let go of her faith.
Drugs: A man says he used to party when he was younger.
Nudity: None
Other: A man strong in his Jewish faith makes some disparaging comments about people forcing Jesus on some and the "brainwashing" they do and the "Christ thing" they do; the death of a character and the grieving which takes place; a Jewish man is not happy when he discovers a New Testament in his home and says, "We don't believe in the New Testament here"; a man states Jews have been deceived and duped into a Christian cult; a man says some Christians have torched synagogues in the past.
- Reviewer: Edwin L. Carpenter
- Source: Video
- Writer: Michael Robert Wolf
- Director: Michael Robert Wolf
- Producer: Guy Camara
- Review provided courtesy of The Dove Foundation.