1 hr 37 min
Stephen Patterson, a school teacher and family man, is offered an exciting opportunity to run for public office. However, his exhilaration quickly vanishes when his younger brother Dave returns home after a long bout with drug addiction. Stephen deeply resents Dave for the damage brought to the family in recent years. He is also disappointed in his parents for welcoming Dave home so generously. Now Stephen has to learn to overcome the bitterness and jealousy, which created a severe rift within the family. Their journey shares the underlying power of forgiveness and God.
Erin Beute, Jerry Eisinger, Randy Vaughn
The Whisper Home
Dove "Family-Approved" - Recommended for ages 12 and over.

This is a contemporary prodigal son story and pretty well done. Dave Patterson took his inheritance money early from his father, a physician, and squandered it, becoming involved with the wrong people, particularly a drug dealer. When he is finally released from prison after three years he heads home to his forgiving family, his mom and dad. However, his older brother Stephen, a teacher at a Christian school, and a candidate for State Representative, won't forgive him for his past and for hurting their parents. But when the truth comes out, it is more than that alone which is keeping Stephen from holding unforgiveness toward Dave. When a perilous situation occurs, Stephen must face the issue head on. Can he truly forgive Dave? This is a nice, quality story and one which many families will enjoy. The movie includes some humor, including a scene in which a man says he used to read the book of Chronicles to his wife and, due to all the "begats" in it, she could go right to sleep if she were dealing with insomnia! Due to a few sophisticated events in the film, we are recommending this movie for ages twelve plus and we are pleased to award it our Dove Seal as a family-friendly film. It is a nice story of finding it in one's heart to forgive.
Sex: Husband and wife kiss a couple of times.
Language: Butt-1
Violence: A man has a dream that someone calls him a junkie and pulls a knife on him; a man is grabbed and repeatedly kicked and winds up in critical care in the hospital.
Drugs: A man previously used heroin and it is mentioned; a man is angry that he was turned in for being a drug dealer.
Nudity: None
Other: Man is seen vomiting as he attempts to get off drugs; a man tells his brother he wishes he would leave and that the family is better off without him; a man does not want to forgive his brother. -
- Reviewer: Edwin L. Carpenter
- Source: Video
- Writer: Jerry Eisinger
- Director: Jaime Velez-Soto
- Producer: Alex Diehl, Jaime Velez-Soto, Jerry Eisinger
- Review provided courtesy of The Dove Foundation.